Hindi Press Club

Clubs and departments are gearing up for BOSM, and the Hindi Press Club (HPC) is no exception. HPC’s coordinator, Dipesh Sharma described his club’s work in the upcoming fest, sporting an admirable amount of zeal.

Wall-Mag (Wall Magazine), a kernel HPC activity, is being set up as we speak. The club interviews various department and club coordinators and puts up a compilation of the same as a newsletter in all the messes. Articles are regularly uploaded on their press blog, the Facebook page and another website. Topics covered range from campus happenings to the country’s political and social issues.

Spotlight, the most popular activity HPC takes up during BOSM, helps improve BITSian involvement in the fest. Spectators perform impromptu commentary for matches on the fly, much to the crowd’s delight. However, they have imposed some restrictions on what a spectator is allowed to say, given the controversy it sparked in the last edition of the fest.

BOSM Roulette, an online betting app, is also aimed at getting people interested in the fest. The app is put together by Coding Club and functions on match data provided by the Hindi Press Club. BOSMS, an SMS match alert system, is another initiative by the Press Club. Messages are sent out 15 minutes before any match and helps subscribers track events.

HPC has recruited eight first year students this time around. They look for people well versed in Hindi and perhaps more importantly, an enthusiasm for writing. Dedication is another key factor they look for in their recruits, and there are ample opportunities to learn and grow in the club, Dipesh asserts. He joined the club due to his interest writing, and learnt a lot in the last three years. Being a Co-ordinator for BOSM has its challenges, but he is enjoying the responsibility. ‘You don’t expect an ideal situation, where everything works out the way you want. Handling the situations that come up is a great learning experience, and is absolutely worth it’, he remarks.  HPC aims to amplify and project the determination and perseverance of all teams in order to make BOSM a huge success.