With only a few days left for Oasis, the Oasis Hindi Press (OHP) is busy preparing for their events. Reetik Ranjan, the coordinator of OHP spared some time out of his hectic schedule to talk to the Oasis English Press.
He said that club members are currently working to bring out the Wallmag, which contains the interviews of the coordinators of the various clubs and departments working for Oasis. It would be put up in all of the messes.
OHP would be conducting two events during the fest. The first one of them is “Wordwars”, a pre-Oasis trivia-based online quiz. It would run for three days, starting from the 16th of October. The second event, which will take place on day one, is called Bluffmaster. It is a customised version of the popular game “Mafia”. While the events are more or less the same as last year, the rounds of the events have been changed based upon the theme.
Apart from conducting events, OHP would also publish a daily newsletter during the fest which would cover specific events from the preceding day. They will also be writing a blogpost based upon the theme of the fest.
Reetik said that his experience as the coordinator has been good. The sophomores have been cooperative and the first years have been supportive as well. All the members who had gone home returned on time, ensuring that the work for the fest does not get delayed. He urged all to enjoy the break from monotony and explore everything that the fest has to offer.