Hindi Drama Club

Hindi Drama Club is one of the most important clubs on campus involved in Oasis 2016. Practicing at SAC, the group looks extremely busy and members hardly have time to catch their breaths as they look to wrap up their work at the earliest.

HDC is one of the most hectic clubs on campus. They work till 11 each night. Aishwarya Sharma, the coordinator of HDC for Oasis, took some time out of her busy schedule for us and provided valuable insight into the events that they would be participating in this Oasis.

The Hindi Drama Club will be participating in the event Street Play this time. With teams coming in from different parts of the country, there is bound to be intense competition. Elucidating on their act, Aishwarya says that the biggest challenge they’ve faced thus far was that they were writing on a genre that they have never really explored. She proceeded to tactfully reveal that the play was in verses and based on Raavan. The club practices for 4-5 hours daily. They have been doing so since BOSM ended and they finalized the script. An experienced leader, Aishwarya feels that the most important thing that she has learnt from being in HDC is the ability to work in a team while accommodating the interests of the club itself. Having worked in a club with such a heavy workload, she believes she has learnt to juggle academics and club activities.

The group prefers to undergo multiple dry runs of the play before they actually perform it in front of the audience. This clearly shows their dedication and passion towards dramatics. We at OEP sincerely hope that their hard work pays off and that they perform well in the Street Play event this Oasis.