Fashion Club

“While people may not be perfect, the clothes they wear can be.” – Muskaan Verma, Fashion Club coordinator

Contrary to what many think, Fash P isn’t a club but rather an event organized during Oasis by the Department of Theatre; the club for aspiring models and designers is generically titled the Fashion Club. Since the club had been inactive for the past year due to a series of unfortunate events, the coordinator, Muskaan Verma, had her work cut out for her. She had the unenviable task of recruiting for the club from scratch. After a grueling week of recruiting, she brought together a group of people whom she deemed capable of learning about the club’s workings in a relatively short period of time.

The club also helps publicize sponsors of the most hyped fest BITS has to offer.  They don apparel provided to them by organizers and walk down the ramp to advertise merchandise of the companies sponsoring the fest. For the slightly more adventurous ones amongst us, they set up a tattoo stall and invite an artist from Jaipur to ink those yearning for a tattoo. The main event that they take part in is, of course, Fash P – a ramp walk contest organized by DoT.

The club composes of two types of people – designers and models. There are around twelve models and around four designers in the club. The pre-fest work of the club revolves around perfecting the walk of their models’ since the coordinator believes that the model’s confidence is as important than the clothes she wears. The arduous task of integrating the Oasis theme falls upon the designers’ shoulders.

Muskaan had to knock on several doors and untangle the vines of BITSian bureaucracy to get the club functioning once again. Her main aim this year is to qualify the preliminaries of Fash P; a feat that sadly hasn’t occurred in the brief history that the club possesses. She aspires to work in the fashion industry and feels that her experience as the coordinator of the Fashion Club will help in broadening her horizons. Muskaan has shown that she is capable of doing everything necessary for the club to rise once more and we hope that her efforts pay off.