Department of Art, Design and Publicity

If you walk into SAC on a regular evening before Oasis, you’d notice a battalion of artists, fighting a tight schedule and limited resources, spread out all over the SAC hall, working tirelessly to add to the general environment of festivity on campus. The Lieutenant of this battalion, the ADP StuCCAn, Abhishek Prasad spared a few minutes outside RP Redi to shed some light on all the things his department would be doing as their contribution to Oasis, 2016.

Apart from four backdrops and one central structure, ADP is planning to expand, not just in terms of the decorations being put up, but also in terms of the ground they wish to cover. Usually, ADP limits itself to decorating the FDs, but this time around, they plan on catching the tourists’ eye right from the main gate. Adorning the road that leads to FD2 from the main gate with lanterns, making 9-ft tall structures of Egyptian Gods, and highlighting the Rotunda’s side entrances with designs of ancient structures are just little snippets of their fancy and larger-than-life plan of action. The standalone winner, however, is their idea of placing a ‘Thor’s Hammer’ at a central location where people can try to lift it and get their photographs clicked with it, giving CrAC a run for their money.

When asked about what a typical pre-Oasis weekday for an ADP recruit is like, Prasad laughed heartily and said that his recruits work from 5pm to 3am. He ensures that they go back to their rooms and are well rested because this routine is an everyday thing for them until Oasis begins. He also mentioned that the Dusshera holidays, coming right after the mid semester exams, will be 24hr working days for all members and only the first years will be given an option to go home at the time. With this strict work schedule and 55-60 strong members to back it along with five co-ordinators this Oasis, as opposed to three last year, Prasad is grateful to his juniors and team who can make even dreaming of this herculean task possible.

With such ambitious plans for the department in place, trying hard with his team of fellow StuCCAns to make Oasis shine bright despite clashes with Rendezvous (IITD) and Antaragini (IITK) and managing his BITSian life at the same time, Abhishek Prasad, StuCCAn of Art, Design and Publicity, is optimistic that all efforts of the people will surely result in a very memorable fest.