A Petition for Women Empowerment

While Russia seems to be backtracking it’s way on the path to women empowerment by voting to decriminalise domestic violence, India, more specifically, BITS, is making repeated efforts to make sure that the sexes are on an equal standing. This time, the flagbearers for women’s rights seem to be Nirmaan, a constructive citizen movement which provides better educational and employment opportunities for the rural population. On the third of February, the Nirmaan organization started a petition asking the government to aid victims of acid attacks and has successfully managed to garner a significant number of signatures so far.

In 2013, the Supreme court gave guidelines for strict laws checking the sale of acids in open markets. Nirmaan co-ordinator Akshay Mundra says that if they are converted into laws in all states and union territories, a lot of victims would be saved from undue torment. For ensuring the same, Nirmaan decided to start this petition, building pressure on the government and raising awareness in society about this issue. Nirmaan plans on getting at least 50,000 signatures on the petition by APOGEE, which starts on the 23rd of March. For this, they have contacted many NGOs and social ventures, who will publicize this in their networks.

This petition, if passed in the parliament, will change the lives of thousands of women in the country. In recent times, there have been many similar efforts to improve the social, economic, political and legal strength of women. Such active and effective steps taken towards women empowerment will enable them to live their lives with a sense of self-worth, respect and dignity. This would ultimately lead to overall social development of the country. Orthodox mindsets would be changed and new horizons would open, providing better opportunities to the backbone of our country, our women. It is heartening to know that our fellow BITSians are doing their share by striving to make the world a better place for women. Do yours and ‘be the voice for her’ by signing the petition here:
