Any fest is incomplete without the theme-based decoration of the campus supplementing the festive environment. The department of Art, Design and Publicity (ADP) not only takes care of the artistic elements of the fest, but also handles publicity.

This Oasis, ADP plans on making one central structure, several minor structures, one backdrop, and audi panels. They are also making smaller decorative items to put up all over campus. The central structure is a replica of the Iron Throne from Game of Thrones. A street near VK will be decorated as ‘The Halloween Street’.

This year, ADP is trying to cover bigger areas of campus as compared to the previous years. They have also been doing extremely well on the publicity end. The popularity of the Oasis Facebook page has increased significantly over the last year.

However, this mammoth task is not easy on the department members. With less than a week to go for Oasis, ADP has started pulling all night sessions at the Student Activity Centre. The members work in batches, based on their time schedules.

The StuCCAn, Gowtam Chandrahasa, feels that being a part of the StuCCA has given him a good insight into how a fest works and has proven to be an invaluable experience. “This fest has been relatively smooth in terms of resources and support from the StuCCA.”, he said when asked about issues that the department has faced so far.