Analyzing gas sensing MEMS cantilever with distinctive geometries of comparable dimensions

Krishnam Sharda

Atul Kumar

This paper includes the design and simulation of micro-cantilever-based gas detectors for the purpose of detecting ammonia present in fertilizers. Fertilizers are the lifeline of farming, and it is very crucial that they are added in an appropriate amount. Both under and over exposure of fertilizers is harmful to crops. Conventionally, we have 3 steps to measure the soil productivity: soil sampling, pre-treatment of soil, and then chemical analysis. Generally, this complete process is done only once a year, following which a month is required for the obtainment of results. This decreases the soil productivity extensively and farmers find it difficult to identify the reason behind low yields. But with the method of optical deflection using MEMS, we can do the real-time analysis of soil components and increase the effectiveness of fertilizing methods. Several designs for MEMS cantilever were proposed and simulated to find the best fit for this purpose. Various methods for measuring those deflections were then sorted and studied. Triangular cantilever was found to be the most sensitive cantilever, with a fabrication process being proposed for the same. Design and material for the casing of cantilever beam was also proposed, so one could use it for this same purpose.