The coordinator of the Anime Club, Ayush Singh, set aside a few minutes to talk to the Oasis English Press about his club’s activities for the fest.
In addition to the Anime Quiz which it conducts every Oasis, the club took up the additional responsibilities of hosting the Movie Screening and Game Room events this year. In Ayush’s opinion, the Game Room is their most demanding task this year, especially since it is the first time it is being organised by the club.
The Anime Club began the process of planning and ideating for the quiz and the Game Room as early as August, and is currently focusing on testing and improving their events. The coordinator remarked that while the theme, Neon Noir, did not influence the quiz and Game Room significantly, it did present him with an interesting challenge while selecting a movie for the screening.
He described his experience as a coordinator as being fun and intriguing, adding that he never faced much trouble as the club met its deadlines. He explained that since the Anime Club is still quite new, they do not have too many burdens to bear for the fest, and hence can focus on making their events the best they can be.
Ayush expressed that organizing their events required careful planning and hard work from the club. Therefore, he urged his fellow BITSians to participate in and enjoy these events, and the fest as a whole.