Art, Design, & Publicity

The decoration of campus through various sculptures, paintings, and other artwork, forms an integral part of the festive environment. This responsibility of making sure that the campus looks in sync with the theme of the fest, is undertaken by the department of Art, Design and Publicity (ADP).

The department has three sub-divisions—Painting, Structure and Decoration, and Publicity. The Painting division creates the paintings seen across campus. They paint walls and panels, and display them in various places; the most notable ones are present in the lobby, side panels, and the stage backdrop of the Auditorium.

The Structure and Decoration division makes the structures which are seen dotted across campus. In accordance with the theme, “The Far-Out Fest”, this year’s structures include a setup for the Woodstock festival (with four members of a band on stage, each representing a different aspect of the Counterculture movement) in the Audi, a division bell near the Rotunda’s entrance, and a seven feet tall peace symbol near the Krishna parking lot. The StuCCAn of ADP, Chirag Parikh also informed the Oasis English Press that they were in process of making a life-sized hippie van structure which will be used like a photo spot. The department also plans to decorate VK Road with 100-200 lamps, each designed to enhance the perception of the theme.

The Publicity team oversees the online presence of the fest. They operate all social media accounts, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. They also coordinate with the various organisations on campus and help them with their offline publicity. While their modus operandi has largely remained the same, more emphasis was laid on the Instagram page this year, as it is relatively newer than the other accounts.

This time, ADP has collaborated with Old Delhi Films, an online entertainment channel, which will shoot two sketches on campus. They hope that this will help improve the public face of Oasis. Parikh also mentioned that they were in talks with another YouTube channel for similar purposes. While on the topic of new things this Oasis, he said that the wall of the Birla Balika Vidyapeeth, at the Gandhi circle, will also be painted, if permission is granted.

Parikh remarked that the pre-fest planning had been done more effectively than last year and that they had enough time to publicise different events. He has high expectations from Oasis and hopes that it turns out to be one of the largest fests in recent history.