
The coordinator of the Department of Stage Controls, Rakshith Shetty, spoke with the APOGEE English Press ahead of the upcoming fest. 

The department is in charge of ensuring that the stage is correctly set up and that all of the technical elements of the performance go without a hitch. The inauguration ceremony is likewise scripted, scheduled, and carried out by them. The ceremony includes a reception for the chief guest, several cultural performances by different groups, and the announcement of the fest’s main events. 

Keeping up with their tradition, Stage Controls is building a structure, a 3–4 ft model, that integrates into the fest’s theme. For APOGEE 2023, they are building a structure of an “Amongus” and the theme-appropriate “Steve from Minecraft” character. They also assisted the Department of Art, Design, and Publicity (ADP) in setting up the themed background that fills the center auditorium’s rear screen. 

Organizing the various performances and ensuring the stage is set up for each performance is one of their biggest responsibilities. The performers, technical staff, and stagehands must coordinate this carefully and communicate with one another. Rakshith and his crew practise and test the setup for hours to make sure everything is functioning properly. 

Talking about his experience as coordinator, Rakshith noted that it was satisfying to have responsibility and get work done. However it was ‘annoying’ to convince everyone to work. Rakshith said that he has had one pitching meeting with the CoStAA and added that it has been a pleasant experience working with them. On an ending note, he mentioned that he was happy to see that the Backstage crew had tripled from the previous two years.