SAC Amphi, 5th Oct: After an eventful four and a half hours, the Department of Visual Media, unsatisfied by the “lack of respect” accorded to them by the CoSSAc, decided to withdraw from BOSM.
The BOSM ‘17 Review Meet kicked off at 7pm BST at the SAC Amphitheatre. After a brief summary of BOSM by the Sports Council, the work done by the clubs and departments was reviewed. While minor issues were taken up regarding various clubs and departments, the highlight of the evening was DVM attempting to defend allegations placed against them while the rest of those present interrogated them regarding the issues during BOSM.
DVM began by mentioning its many achievements including creating the official BOSM website and app, making seven videos for the inauguration, and recording seven matches. The app was downloaded 1873 times as compared to last year’s 800. The next hour was dedicated to questioning the performance issues in their app and website.
PCr started the show by mentioning major problems with the registration software which did not allow for participants to properly edit their registration details. While they were able to generate and send a PDF document containing the final list of participants to colleges, they were unable to view it themselves, leading to possible miscommunication. DVM, on the other hand, responded by saying that PCr informed them about these problems very late during the fest.
The other CoSSAcn departments also had their fair share to say. Controls and RecNAcc mentioned several problems they faced with the app and the registration software, with DVM claiming that these issues were resolved as soon as they were informed. In addition, DVM also claimed that the CoSSAc did not mention the changes they wanted incorporated in the registration software in any of the pre-BOSM meets. The CoSSAc justified this by explaining that the changes they wanted would require reworking the software from the ground up, and they assumed that DVM would not be able to do that.
While DVM insisted that they played the sponsors video four times during the inauguration ceremony, BOSM Sponz tackled them on this. ‘You were supposed to play it throughout as a filler. Also, you didn’t play it four times. I’m not going to argue with you on this’, their CoSSAcn said.
Shortly after, the following dialogue ensued. Note: These events, while they may appear so, are not fictional.
Gurukul: We asked DVM to cover Gurukul Nite. Their camera was broken. I offered them my personal DSLR. The DVM CoStAAn said that his first years didn’t know how to use a camera. And this is ‘too low a job’ for their second years.
DVM: Non-fest work? Not our job. (after some time) Also, coding club juniors took down our posters.
Coding Club: Yeah, so did yours.
Entire audience: Ohhhhhh snap!
Photog: DVM used our cameras and juniors to shoot the inaug video. We weren’t given any credit.
DVM: Initially this was just a ‘favour’ and not a partnership. We ended up deciding to give them credit… but we didn’t. So we’re giving them credit during this meet. Thanks, Photog! Sorry for the miscommunication.
Photog: Why was I informed of the collaboration 2 days before the inaug?
DVM: But Pulkit!
GBM (a concerned, bearded member): I heard that the website went down for a couple of days. Is that true? Why so?
DVM: Hear? Did you hear that or actually check the website? The website never went down!
Sports Council: Website did go down. DVM took the website down because we selected the Coding Club app as the official BOSM app.
DVM: (after some time) We took down the website because the CoSSAc shouted at us.
Sports Council: We’re going to have a vote on whether DVM or Coding Club should make the official app.
DVM: We need to work for BOSM. BOSM is a test run for our freshers to prove themselves. If they don’t work for BOSM, they won’t be able to contribute to the Oasis app.
Sports Council: Did you just imply that BOSM is a trial fest?
DVM: …No.
Yet another controversial point was the allegation that DVM stopped Coding Club’s video from being played all the way through in Inaug. DVM responded by saying that they did so on the BOSM Controls CoSSAcn’s request, who denied ever asking them.
To delay the vote, DVM attempted to filibuster the time away. In the end however, the department decided to withdraw from BOSM. They cited numerous “false allegations” and accusations made against them as well as a “lack of respect” for the work they did as their reasons for exiting. When asked to detail these false allegations, the representatives were unable to come up with a specific example, and exited the Amphi.