Civil Engineering Association

The APOGEE English Press sat down with Krishna Gaurang, the coordinator of the Civil Engineering Association, to talk about their preparations for the upcoming fest.

The association is organising two events this year. ‘War of Civilization’ is an attack-versus-defence model-making event. Participants have to construct a model using provided materials and ensure it fulfils certain criteria. After analysing its weaknesses, the attacking side would then choose an “attack” to test the model. The defending team wins the round if the model is able to withstand the attack and vice-versa.

The second event will be held online, and is called ‘CAD Rush’. It has elements of a treasure hunt wherein teams would be given clues pointing towards various real-world structures and buildings. They would then be given a cross-section to draw in AutoCAD and the first team to solve three problems wins the competition.

‘People think Civil Assoc is kind of dead,’ lamented Krishna. He further added that while the preparations have been going on smoothly, the association has had trouble with sparse participation in the past. He affirmed that the association has been trying their best to scale up marketing and infuse more fun into the events without compromising on technical rigour.

APOGEE 2022 being the first fest being held in two years, ended up being ‘more of a cultural fest’, added Krishna. He appreciated the CoStAA’s efforts to re-emphasize the scientific roots of the fest, which has seen a significant increase in the number of technical events this year.

Talking about his experience as the coordinator, he remarked that the juniors have far surpassed his expectations and he has had ample support in both event ideation and logistical management. He encouraged all BITSians to enjoy the fest and ‘see how technology and fun can make a great couple.’