Coding Club – An Interview

Rasal Kumar, coordinator of the Coding Club, is much cooler than his moniker would seem to suggest. This might be due to the fact that he is also the president of Maurya Vihar, the Bihar-Jharkhand cultural association.

Rasal tells us that all the four departments of the club have made a fair contribution to the events in APOGEE. Participants can look forward to events such as CDOKU and QRIOUS before the 23rd. CDOKU, explains Rasal, is a tweaked of version of SUDOKU, different in the way that the entire 81 boxes are unfilled and are to be filled using clues that are based on C. QRIOS is a quiz based on the theme of this APOGEE, Retrofuture. Perhaps, Coding club is one of the most hectic clubs for one to be in at this time, with a total of 2 Pre-APOGEE and 5 Apogee events.

The kernel event of this APOGEE from coding club is “Vootathon” which involves making a video player for which the assistance open source libraries is permitted. Hardly surprising, considering that the sponsors of this event are YCom18, the makers of Voot. The club is also organizing Codestorm, an event based on time-worn languages.

Mindstorm is one of the other events that was a responsibility of GameD of the club. The event that has Rasal most excited is “Smash the Bug”, which is a ripoff of “Capture the flag”, in which one has to find the ‘bugs’ hidden in a web page. Coding club in association with Chemical Department is also bringing us “Chem Hunt” and the club is responsible for the backend development of the event’s portal.

Pointing out that they are far from perfect, Rasal talks about the huge amount of e-mails that he had to sift through to upload data onto their websites. Problem solving instincts kicking in, he says the club would undertake the making of a portal for the next APOGEE to ease the uploading of data.

Rasal tells us rather cheerfully that this hectic journey does not end with APOGEE and highlights his plan for the rest of the semester, when the club plans on making applications for Laundromat, ANC and FK.

Regardless of how APOGEE goes down, Rasal’s hectic schedule suggests that it’s going to end for him with a long nap!