
Dharun Bail, the CoStAAn of the Department of Controls, spared some time amidst his busy schedule to discuss their preparations with the APOGEE English Press for the fest. Dharun elaborated on the department’s role, which encompasses managing logistics for all fest events and facilitating coordination among various clubs. He emphasised the department’s pivotal role in the fest-related decision-making process. 

Dharun stated that the first-year students are allocated to different job streams, including Requisitions, Judge Sheets, Travels, Certificates, and Reprography. Second-year students are assigned tasks related to Scheduling, Prize Money, Projects, and Stage Events. 

He explained that Controls is tasked with the responsibility of publishing the rulebook, calculating the final scores, and disclosing the outcomes to ensure fairness throughout all events. He mentioned that requisition involves acquiring necessary permissions for various fest requirements, such as venue, lighting, outdoor spaces, and fire safety equipment. Furthermore, he highlighted the importance of scheduling all core events across venues like the Main Auditorium, NAB Auditorium, GymG, and VK Lawns for the fest’s success. Finally, he underscored that the Projects event is exclusively managed by Controlz and involves prototype presentations by all participants.

Reflecting on his experience as a CoStAAn, Dharun likened it to a rollercoaster ride due to the tight deadlines and increased workload. When asked about pending tasks for Controls, Dharun emphasised that given the ongoing dynamic nature of their work and the adaptable nature of their schedules, their responsibilities are not considered complete until the conclusion of the fest. 

Dharun shared that his tenure as a CoStAAn exposed him to numerous challenges, which he embraced and enjoyed overcoming. He encouraged all BITSians to attend the events and explore diverse fields such as literature, technology, entrepreneurship, and engineering. In closing, he urged all BITSians to relish the events organized during APOGEE and wished them a delightful experience.