Creative Activities Club

With Oasis 2022 just a day away Rohan Anil Muskawad, the coordinator for Creative Activities Club (CrAC), took time out from his busy schedule to talk to the Oasis English Press. CrAC is responsible for all the fine art-related activities for the fest and organises events like Canvas Street, and Splash, and sets up Galleria—a student-curated art gallery made specifically for Oasis.

Rohan said that CrAC is also trying to integrate this year’s theme for Oasis, Demesne of the Lost Gold, into the artworks, with the usage of golden colour. On being asked about the final week’s preparatory work, he said that the final touches for the structures, panels, and the iconic Oasis word model for the Clock Tower are currently being prepared by members of CrAC.

Rohan hopes that this edition of Oasis meets the expectations and standards set by past  BITSians and visitors.

Rohan admitted that a club like CrAC demands a significant time commitment owing to the nature of its work but he believes that it is also why members of CrAC across batches and disciplines have a unique bond.