Department of Sounds

With Oasis ‘24 just around the corner, the Oasis English Press sat down with the Coordinator of the Department of Sounds, Adit Dudani, to gather more information on their role in this fest.

Adit explained that the department consisted of students trained to be sound engineers. They work behind the scenes to ensure that the events conducted in the auditorium receive clear sound. Additionally, the department does not conduct any event of its own during the fest. He added that the work of the department entailed sound checks and equipment set-up. He noted that these checks were more intensive for events that demand more equipment.

He went on to add that no preparatory work was conducted before an event, owing to the club members’ experience with the equipment. Adit further mentioned that they could work more efficiently due to the small size of the department. He revealed that their workload got extremely demanding during the fest, requiring members to pull long shifts of fourteen to sixteen fourteen to sixteen hours a day. However, the non-fest days saw better working hours for the department. 

Adit emphasised that he considered himself as simply a member of the department first, and a Coordinator second. He described his role as relatively easy but noted that it got hectic as the work hours got longer. Adit shared that despite the long hours, it was extremely rewarding when the work was finished properly.

On a parting note, he encouraged the junior batches to truly immerse themselves in the fest and take part in a variety of events.

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