Department of Visual Media

Prateek Kashyap, the StuCCAn of the Department of Visual Media (DVM), took some time out of his busy schedule to have a chat with the Oasis English Press about their preparations for the fest.

Prateek explained that DVM worked on developing applications and websites that a club or a department requires. Alongside this, they also manage promotional videos for events.

Prateek went on to highlight the various improvements made to the Oasis app this year. He explained that instead of the Google form signings, the app would now feature a signings portal, which would be used to pre-register for events. He remarked that the app would also feature a ‘livelier Discover section’, which would contain live photos and updates about events. The department was also trying to introduce a ‘live polls’ feature for the audience-judged events. 

He revealed that DVM had been working long hours every day. However, the department had foreseen the tight timeline between the mid-semester examinations and Oasis and had planned accordingly. When asked about his experience as a StuCCAn, Prateek said that working with the StuCCA had been wonderful and highlighted their cooperativeness. 

On a parting note, Prateek encouraged the students to attend as many events as possible and not miss out on the less popular ones.