With Oasis ’17 less than a week away, Rahul Chhabra, the coordinator of the Department of Live Events explains what his department plans on doing for the fest.

The Department – which is responsible for controlling and managing all professional shows that happen during the fests – has managed to successfully invite the likes of Vishal-Shekhar, Agam and Sartek. With the average member facing two to four hours’ workloads each day, DLE spends most of their time working on ensuring professional sounds and lights for each show that happens during and around Oasis. Production (the handling of day-to-day tasks in and around setup) is being managed by Surakshit Soni, with the junior members providing further organizational support.

DLE usually puts up Zorbing and Virtual Reality stalls during the fest, but is not doing so this year. They plan on focusing solely on prof shows.

During the whirlwind that is Oasis preparation, DLE still claims to be facing no issues. Experiencing what can only be called smooth sailing thus far, Rahul is as calm as can be, and only demands that the audience come to the shows they help make possible.