
The only pieces written solely by me for ‘The Fine Print’ so far were the allotment emails I send out every month. These emails have a set format, a “tradition” every editor follows. However, with this editorial I did not have any previously laid out path to follow. I can change the length of my piece based on how diligent I feel and write about anything that strikes my fancy. This is the perfect analogy for how running EPC for two issues has felt like. 

A considerable amount of trailblazing in different writing avenues has already been done. Legacy articles, ANC sessions, and writing crunches will always remain an integral part of every issue. But everyday has the possibility of a new development in the hundreds of student bodies that run on this campus. You never know how or when you will need to deal with a dynamic situation, include a pointed disclaimer at the start of your piece, or get panicked phone calls about angry authorities.     This might be premature, but I like all the parts that come with this position.This also might be premature, but I really like my team. All my writers and editors pulled through, many of them put in the extra effort to make sure that the information presented was relevant and precise. A special shoutout to the designers for working through the final stretch, no issue is going to be complete without your contribution. 

Welcome to Issue Two of ‘The Fine Print’. We have tried our best to make this one well-rounded with academic topics, student politics updates, and some light memorabilia. I hope you all enjoy reading this issue, as much as we all enjoyed making it.