
Despite Oasis looming close on the horizon, Kumar Utkarsh, the coordinator of Embryo, spared some of his invaluable time to speak to the Oasis English Press regarding Embryo’s involvement in Oasis.

Embryo Club’s main work outside the fests is to promote the idea of borderless classrooms and resources and to supplement the on-campus education. Initially, Embryo only conducted online talks which were academic in nature, however they have diversified over the years, even doing a talk on GoT, and have entered fest work for all the three BITS Pilani fests – BOSM, Oasis and APOGEE.

Describing the challenges faced by the club in getting speakers, Kumar explained that it is a very difficult task to get a famous personality to come to Pilani without any monetary support. “We use databases of contacts built over the years” he added, stating “Our work seriously begins in the summer break.” 

In Embryo, the 2nd years do the majority of the work which is calling and convincing while being guided by the 3rd years. Since the 1st years are recruited later, they primarily work on publicity and cold mailing. Over the years the club has become a close knit group of individuals who work together with a common vision. 

Kumar concluded by requesting all the BITSians to turn up for Oasis Talks and make the fest a success.