
At about half-past eleven, I entered Devashish Pant’s room. The Gurukul coordinator immediately put down his guitar, exchanged pleasantries with me, and demanded that we start the interview.

“We have one event, [that is] the BOSM inauguration,” Devashish explained, “the general image of the BOSM inauguration is that it’s very sports-oriented, and so we’re trying to give it a new spin.”

This year, Gurukul has decided to collaborate with Raagamalika, and are planning on adding a dance performance onto their own show. According to Devashish, Gurukul is, this time, going to lean more towards a classical show as opposed to the rock and roll that they’re used to performing.

Devashish feels that due to the nature of BOSM as a sports fest, it is relatively more difficult to market music mid-festival. Gurukul itself does not promote any of its BOSM performances, and is currently trying to focus more towards its work during the semesters.

Generally, attendance has been soft for the BOSM inauguration – specifically when compared to the other fests. However, Devashish hopes that BITSians give Gurukul’s new, improvised performance the benefit of the doubt and show up in large numbers this time.