Hindi Press Club

Nitin Vats, the BOSM coordinator for the Hindi Press Club, sat down for an interview with the BOSM English Press.

According to Nitin, their preparation for the fest often turns out to be quite stressful because of the numerous tasks that they have to perform on a tight schedule. In the limited time that they have, the HPC has to collect the names and contact numbers of all coordinators for each club and department. They then have to schedule interviews with each of them to produce and put up their wall-mag—a large wall banner that they place outside each mess—in this time.

During the fest, the HPC is responsible for publishing their daily newsletter, Pravah, which highlights the events of the previous day. They also conduct Spotlight, their commentary of the sport with the highest attendance (generally basketball). In this event,  audience members are given a chance to heer for their team and also try their hand at commentating. They also host the BOSM Roulette on the official BOSM app, a game enabling users to make point-based bets on the sports events.

This year, the HPC has changed the layout of the wall-mag, moving it to a couple of flex banners talking about basic points about each interview from the previous drawing board that used to feature full articles. They have also discontinued BOSMS, their SMS alert system — switching instead to publishing news alerts on the BOSM app.

When asked for a few final words, Nitin mentions how everyone should enjoy BOSM instead of just studying. “Just enjoy the fest. Most people don’t enjoy the fest due to the lack of holidays during the fest. I think they should move around and see what sports facilities are there and what are the events during the fest.” he said, signing off.