When discussing the contributions of various clubs towards Oasis, it is hard to get by without Music Club slipping into the conversation.
As always, the Oasis inauguration is studded with a multitude of performances by various clubs. In particular, Music Club has upheld its tradition of performing during the inauguration for several years now. This time, even though their time on stage is limited to a meagre ten minutes, a lot of work is being put in by the Club primarily in the direction of the fusion piece with Ragamalika. This composition, called Genesis, is one part of three-part series called Triad. It is a prequel to Crisis, which was performed during Apogee 2015. The Triad is a concept album, following the story of the Man-God-Satan Trichotomy. Crisis was characterised by a dark and dreary mood, while Genesis shrugs off these melancholy elements in favour of more positive vibes.
Apart from its contribution to the inauguration, Music Club hosts Andholika. It is a competition to determine the most versatile vocalist among those taking part. Following the elimination round, participants are given songs from a fixed pool, and given time to prepare these songs to the best of their ability. These songs are chosen after a lot of deliberation within the club, and played in accompaniment to the vocalist by the club members.
Though one would expect a competition hosted by a club to be the focus of their efforts before the fest, this is not the case with Music Club. Historically, Oasis has also provided many avenues for these dedicated artists to showcase their work competitively. And one of these avenues is Tarang. It is an Indian music competition (though it usually veers toward Indian rock music) which has been a lodestone for extremely talented musicians for many years now. This is one of the few stages on which Music Club regularly competes in, with a near perfect track record of winning nearly every Tarang. The event welcomes both original compositions and covers of songs. To put up a show of versatility, Music Club tends to do one of both on a regular basis. The effort behind this is nothing short of weeks of painstaking listening and practice.Â
Additionally, Pitch Perfect, is an a capella event where vocalists come together with a musical arrangement, rich with perfectly blended harmony and counterpoint (for the musical ignoramus, an a capella is a singing group, unaccompanied by instruments). This event is unique with respect to its participation this time from BITS-Pilani. A musical group called Pitch Benders, comprising vocalists spanning the three music oriented clubs (Music Club, Gurukul and Ragamalika) and other vocalists not in these clubs too, will take part in this event.
The responsibility for smoothly executing this elaborate work plan for Oasis, lies with the co-ordinator Varun Karulkar. He’s been a steadfast member of the club since his first year and has shown a remarkable work ethic in his capacities as a co-ordinator. The sheer amount of effort that goes into an Oasis by Music Club cannot be done justice by mere words. And yet that is the standard they have upheld all these years, with no foreseeable change in game plan.