Oasis Review Meet: Motions

Note: A quorum, meaning the minimum number of members in the Oasis Review Meet (ORM) that are required to make the proceedings of the ORM valid, is established when three-fourths of the Union Council (UC) and three-fourths of the Oasis Review Committee (ORC) are present. Voting percentage of only the present and voting members of the ORC is considered. Readers are advised to refer to the Oasis Charter for more information. 

Raised motionUC MajorityClauseORC Majority
Amendment to the Oasis CharterTwo-thirds majorityANDSimple majority
Addition of a department to StuCCATwo-thirds majorityANDSimple majority
Non-removal of a department from the Oasis CharterSimple majorityANDSimple majority
Removal of a department from StuCCATwo-thirds majorityORSimple majority

The Oasis Review Meet was held on December 4, 2022 in the presence of the Union Council (UC); Students’ Council for Cultural Activities (StuCCA); coordinators of participating clubs, minor departments, and assocs; and the GBM. The meeting began after a delay of three and a half hours. Each club and department reported the work done by them during the fest and also brought up issues faced, if any. The following article summarises all the motions that were raised during ORM:

  • The Sponz Debacle

Motion 18: The motion, which proposed to put the Department of Sponsorship and Marketing (Sponz) under review for the next two editions of Oasis, was passed. 

Sponz shall be under review for Oasis 2023 and 2024 and their work will be reviewed after each edition of the fest. They would need to get a simple majority of the ORC and a two-thirds majority of the UC after both editions to be out of probation after Oasis 2024. If this fails, their review will end and Sponz will no longer be a major department for Oasis. The department can only file for reinstation as such after the conclusion of the following edition of Oasis (2025).

  • DLE Probation Review

Motion 6: The Department of Live Events was put under probation during the review meet for Oasis 2019. Their performance in Oasis 2022 was reviewed during ORM and a motion for the continuation of their review was raised. This motion failed as a simple majority was not established by the UC. 

As a result of this, DLE ceases to be a part of the Oasis Charter and consequently will not be working as a minor department for Oasis 2023. However, after the conclusion of the next edition of Oasis, they can raise the motion to be included in the charter again. DLE currently maintains its status as a minor department working for APOGEE and BOSM in their respective future editions.

  • Addition/Removal of a club/department from StuCCA—Charter Amendment

Motion 12: A motion was proposed to make an amendment to the clause titled ‘Addition/Removal of a club/department from StuCAA’. The existing clause stated that addition of a club would be possible only when there is a simple majority of the ORC and the two thirds of the UC supports the motion. Similarly, the removal of a club is possible only when there is a simple majority of ORC or the support of two-thirds of the UC. This was to be changed to both the motions being passed if there is a simple majority of ORC including UC. Though the ORC voted in favour of this motion, the UC voted unanimously against it, thereby vetoing this motion. 

  • ORM Charter Amendment

Motion 1: An amendment was proposed which stated that the absence of UC members must be informed to the Election Commission (EC) at least twelve hours before the meet, with the time frame being subject to relaxation at the EC’s discretion. The motion was passed with a unanimous ‘Yes’ from the UC and a majority from the ORC.

  • Audiforce Amendments—Addition to the Charter

Motion 2: The Department of Audiforce proposed four amendments to be added to the Oasis charter. These would give Audiforce the responsibility of escorting the Chief Guest during Inaug, providing security for the artists near the Green Room, setting up the ticket scanning points and temporary booths for DVM support, and managing the entry and exit to South Park for prof shows. All four amendments were passed with near unanimous approval from both the UC and the ORC.

Motion 3: The Department of Audiforce put forward two other amendments to be added to the Oasis charter. These would give them the responsibility of barricading the entry routes and the perimeter of South Park during prof shows along with managing the entry and exit for other “major paid events”.This motion was also passed almost unanimously.

  • Enabling vote transfer for ORC

Motion 4: A motion was raised which stated that in the event of ORM starting more than three hours past its scheduled time, members of the ORC can transfer their vote to other members of their club or department. The motion failed despite a majority of the ORC being in its favour as the UC vetoed it.

  • Changing pronouns 

Motion 5: An amendment to change in pronouns in the Oasis Charter from s/he to they was proposed. The motion was passed with a unanimous ‘Yes’ from the UC and a majority from the ORC.

  • ADP Amendment

Motion 7: An amendment was proposed to shift the sole right over the Oasis logo from the Department of Sponsorship and Marketing (Sponz) to the Department of Art, Design and Publicity (ADP). The motion passed with a unanimous vote from the UC and a 39-5 majority from the ORC.

  • Stage Controls Amendment

Motion 8: The Department of Stage Controls proposed an amendment about the auditorium production (Audi Prod) to be taken up by the Department of Stage Controls assisted by Audi Controls. Previously, the Audi Prod was managed by DLE. The motion passed with a unanimous vote from the UC and a 39-5 majority from the ORC. 

  • RecNAcc Amendments

Motion 9: A motion for an amendment in the Oasis Charter was raised by the Department of Reception and Accomodation (RecNAcc). The amendment highlighted that the RecNAcc StuCCAn would release the list of inventory items as soon as the tender gets signed. No one would be allowed to approach a third party, leaving RecNAcc as the sole point of contact. This motion was passed smoothly. 

Motion 10: RecNAcc also raised a motion for another amendment which stated that the charter must clearly state that they are responsible for setting up stalls and tents at various locations during Oasis. The layout would be decided by RecNAcc after consulting the Controls StuCCAn. This motion was passed unanimously.

  • DVM Amendment

Motion 11: The Oasis Charter states that the Department of Visual Media (DVM) is responsible for the Oasis website. The department wanted to change this to, ‘DVM is responsible for any software required for Oasis’. They further insisted on adding their responsibility of handling the Audi console. This motion was unanimously passed. 

  • Oasis Legacy Team Charter Addition

Motion 13: Two GBM members proposed the addition of the Oasis Legacy Team (OLT) as a club to the Oasis Charter. The club is aimed at the creation of an Oasis archive, tracking the different editions of Oasis throughout the years. Additionally, the club aims to garner funding from alumni for the improvement of the fest. Opportunities for possible sponsorship deals obtained by the OLT would be redirected to Sponz. This motion was passed with a majority of 6-0 in the UC and 39-5 in the ORC.

  • Purple Prose Handover

Motion 14: A motion was raised on behalf of the StuCCA to completely hand over Purple Prose, a kernel event, to Poetry Club. Voting against this motion would imply that the event would be handed over to the Hindi Activities Society. This was done after the last two editions of Oasis saw both the clubs struggle with coordination, in spite of different models of division of work. This motion was passed with a majority of 6-0 in the UC and 37-7 in the ORC.

  • Food Stalls Amendment

Motion 15: A motion was raised by the StuCCAn of the Department of Sponsorship and Marketing, stating that the Sponz StuCCAn must be involved in the negotiations for the food stalls. It also stated that the signature of the Sponz StuCCAn must be on the MoU with the stall vendor. This motion failed as it was unanimously vetoed by the UC with a majority of 0-6, but it saw the approval of the majority of the ORC, with a split of 34-10.

  • Firewallz Amendments

Motion 16: The Department of Firewallz raised a motion for the addition of Firewallz to the StuCCA. This motion was vetoed with the UC majority trumping the ORC one.

Motion 17: An amendment was proposed by the Department of Firewallz to change the wording in the Oasis Charter regarding vehicle and coordinator passes, night patrolling and frisking, guest registrations, and barricading. This motion was passed with a ‘Yes’ across the UC and a majority of 36-8 by the ORC.

  • Fashion Club Charter Addition

Motion 19: The motion proposed to add Fashion Club to the Oasis Charter and give the club rights to conduct the event ‘Neon Party’ in every edition of Oasis. This motion was passed unanimously by the UC and by majority approval of the ORC.