Official Institute Committees

Academic Counselling Board (ACB)

It is a committee which oversees students in the integrated first-degree and higher-degree programmes. It comprises key members, including Associate Deans of the AUGSD, AGSRD, and SWD, two faculty members and two student representatives chosen by the Senate. The main goal of ACB is to assist and guide students who fail to meet the academic standards set for students. These include earning a certain number of ‘E’ grades, or falling below a minimum CGPA by the end of each semester. 

In these cases, it also has the authority to restrict the ability of students to freely register for courses in a semester, by giving them certain compulsory courses which they need to complete to return to the right track academically. In such situations, the decision of the ACB is final. If a student fails to meet the aforementioned standards despite the ACB’s efforts, they may be required to leave the Institute. Thus, this committee looks after the academic welfare of every student on campus, and ensures that no one falls short of the basic requirements expected of them from the Institute.

Internal Complaints Committee (ICC)

This committee is constituted to prevent sexual harassment, and to receive and deal with such complaints effectively. It comprises a presiding officer who is a woman faculty member not below the rank of a professor, two faculty members, two non-teaching employees who have had experience in social work and legal knowledge, a member from NGOs or associations committed to the cause of women and three students enrolled in undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral levels who are nominated. It is also important to note that at least half the members of the committee are women. 

The ICC aims to provide effective mechanisms for dispute resolution and dialogue by providing fair conciliation to avoid punitive measures which might lead to alienation or resentment. It also ensures the identity of the complainant remains anonymous. Further, it provides relief measures, such as sanctioned leave, attendance relaxations and in severe cases arranges for the transfer of the offender. It also ensures that the victims or witnesses are not victimized or discriminated against, while dealing with complaints regarding sexual harassment. It also takes measures to prohibit retaliation or adverse action against the complainant. They also provide assistance to students or employees who choose to file a police complaint by guiding them through the process.

Disciplinary Committee (DisCo)

The Disciplinary Committee (DC) is in charge of dealing with student indiscipline and misconduct cases. It comprises two student members, two faculty members, and the chief warden, and is headed by the Associate Dean of the Student Welfare Division.

Notable offences that the committee handles are possession or sale of narcotics or alcohol, disallowed entry to girls’ or boys’ hostel, theft, damage to institute property, malicious cyber activities or any activity in violation of the campus’ disciplinary rules — a copy of which can be found online. Although none of its proceedings are revealed to the BITSians, punishments such as fines, cancellation of registration in the ongoing or subsequent semester, counselling, rigorous monitoring or a combination of them have been awarded in the past; depending on the severity of the misconduct. Additionally, students on whom action is taken by the DC become ineligible for all institute scholarships.