The coordinator of the newly formed Karaoke Club, Sanyam Jain, talked to the English Press…
Communo: A New Club
The name Communo is derived from the word “communiqué”, an apt choice for a club…
Anjali Gopalan
Anjali Gopalan, an activist for human and animal rights activist, delivered a talk about the…
Apna Adda
Apna Adda is the latest addition to the list of eateries available at C’not. In…
BITS Reconnect: Hari Menon and Ravi Menon
BITS Reconnect, the first pre-APOGEE talk of the year, was held at 6:30 PM on…
Internship Statistics
The internship season this semester saw a 60% increase in the total number of offers…
Oasis Review Meet: Other Issues
Postponement Of The Oasis Review Meet The Oasis Review Meet was scheduled on the 21st…
Oasis Review Meet
The Oasis Review Meet, which took place on the 22nd of November, saw the Oasis…
Interview with DLE
The Department of Live Events (DLE) was responsible for handling mess signings, hospitality for professional…
Union Council Meet
The first Union Council (UC) meet of the current semester began on the evening of…
Student Alumni Meet: Batch of ’97
The batch of 1979 visited campus and held a student-alumni meet on the 15th of…
Sports Secretary Elections
The Amphitheatre debate for the Sports Council Elections, held on the 8th of November, witnessed…