PCr (APOGEE) – An Interview

Publication and Correspondence, APOGEE is the department responsible for managing all the printing, posters and the pre-fest communication. Their work is voluminous and yet they show zeal and enthusiasm in their pursuit to make APOGEE 2017 better than its previous editions. Rajas Pandey, the CoSTAAn of PCr APOGEE considers this edition to be aimed at being a socialist fest. Dedicated efforts have been made in trying not to charge BITSians for the things they are usually charged for. The price of the souvenirs, Prof. shows and food stalls have been checked to ensure minimal burden on the BITSians students’ pockets.

“We have the most number of events in any technical fest”, were Rajas’ words as the discussion of commercialisation of APOGEE came up. He admits that despite having a wide base of technical events, the glam quotient or X-factor that will distinguish the fest from its competitors can only be a very famous personality, and in India most such personalities are related to the entertainment field. In his words, “APOGEE is simply trying to adapt itself to the audience it has to cater to”.

A lot of work has been put in to retain the audience. ID was requested to schedule the midsemester exams right before the Holi break, limiting the holiday window for home-goers and ensuring better attendance for the fest. They hope to have an extensive on-campus publicity drive, in which slip-ins and standees would be flooded all over the campus.

Rajas has a vision for future editions of APOGEE, in which the fest would be on the map of India as one of the premier technical festivals and it would be known that we are at par, or even better at technical activities than the IITs. He hopes that when APOGEE’s notification goes online, people know that the fest is happening and students across the country block their schedules to attend it. “I want APOGEE to be so popular that PCr doesn’t have to call people and tell them about APOGEE, we just have to pick and choose from the lot” were his words as he was asked to describe the vision he had for his department a few years down the line.