
The Oasis English Press sat down with Achintya Hebbar, the coordinator of Ragamalika, for a brief discussion regarding their preparation for the fest.

Achintya stated that Ragamalika would be hosting three events this Oasis — Classical Professional Show and two kernel events, “Swaranjali” and “Tandav”.

Achintya remarked that for the Classical Prof Show, Rupak Kulkarni, a renowned Bansuri player, and his team have been invited. He believes that most of the audience would relate to the event since they are familiar with Rupak Kulkarni. He added that the event serves as a medium to preserve Indian culture on the campus.

He mentioned that the club finds it difficult to gather an audience as Indian Classical Music is less popular than other genres of music. Nevertheless, they still make efforts to popularise the events by conducting mess signings and asking their friends to promote them. Achintya mentioned that students’ attitude towards Indian classical music has evolved over time. As attendance at their semesterly productions has increased, Achintya is optimistic that the events at Oasis this year will draw a large audience.

According to Achintya, something that distinguishes Ragamalika from other clubs on the campus is that the members of the club already have a background in music and are passionate about what they do. He added that their discipline and commitment to practicing regularly sets them apart.

Achintya also commended StuCCA for being accommodating and thoughtful of the club’s demands, which made the event planning smooth.

On a concluding note, he encouraged BITSians to realise that Oasis is a cultural fest and preserving Indian Classical Music and Indian culture should be one of the top priorities of every individual.